Link to the repository

First follow the instructions here:

Step by step guide on how to use my pipelines
Click here for an introduction to Snakemake


This is a pipeline to map short reads to a reference assembly. It outputs the mapped reads, a qualimap report and does variant calling.

Tools used:

  • Bwa - mapping
  • Samtools - processing
  • Qualimap - mapping summary
  • Freebayes - variant calling

Pipeline workflow

Edit config.yaml with the paths to your files

OUTDIR: /path/to/output 
READS_DIR: /path/to/reads/ # don't add the reads files, just the directory where they are
ASSEMBLY: /path/to/assembly
PREFIX: <output name>
  • OUTDIR - directory where snakemake will run and where the results will be written to
  • READS_DIR - path to the directory that contains the reads
  • ASSEMBLY - path to the assembly file
  • PREFIX - prefix for the final mapped reads file

If you want the results to be written to this directory (not to a new directory), open Snakefile and comment out

workdir: config["OUTDIR"]


  • dated file with an overview of the files used to run the pipeline (for documentation purposes)
  • sorted_reads directory with the file containing the mapped reads
  • results directory containing the qualimap results
  • variant_calling directory containing the variant calling VCF file