Population level variant calling

First follow the instructions here

Step by step guide on how to use my pipelines
Click here for an introduction to Snakemake


This is a pipeline that takes short reads aligned to a genome (in .bam format) and performs population level variant calling with Freebayes. It uses VEP to annotate the resulting VCF, calculates statistics, and calculates and plots a PCA.

It was developed to work with the results of this population mapping pipeline. There are a few Freebayes requirements that you need to take into account if you don’t use the mapping pipeline mentioned above to map your reads. You should make sure that:

  • Alignments have read groups
  • Alignments are sorted
  • Duplicates are marked

See here for more details.

Tools used

Pipeline workflow

Edit config.yaml with the paths to your files

ASSEMBLY: /path/to/fasta
MAPPING_DIR: /path/to/bams/dir
PREFIX: <prefix>
OUTDIR: /path/to/outdir
SPECIES: <species>
NUM_CHRS: <number of chromosomes>
  • ASSEMBLY - path to genome fasta file
  • MAPPING_DIR - path to directory with bam files to be used
    • the pipeline will use all bam files in the directory, if you want to use a subset of those, create a file named bam_list.txt that contains the paths to the bam files you want to use. One path per line.
  • PREFIX - prefix for the created files
  • OUTDIR - directory where snakemake will run and where the results will be written to
    If you want the results to be written to this directory (not to a new directory), open config.yaml and comment out OUTDIR: /path/to/outdir
  • SPECIES - species name to be used for VEP
  • NUM_CHRS - number of chromosomes for your species (necessary for plink). ex: 38


Configuring VEP

This pipeline uses VEP in offline mode, which increases performance. In order to use it in this mode, the cache for the species used needs to be installed:

For people using WUR’s Anunna:

Check if the cache file for your species already exist in /lustre/nobackup/SHARED/cache/. If it doesn’t, create it with

/usr/bin/perl /cm/shared/apps/SHARED/ensembl-vep/INSTALL.pl --CACHEDIR /lustre/nobackup/SHARED/cache/ --AUTO c -n --SPECIES <species>

When multiple assemblies are found you need to run it again with --ASSEMBLY <assembly name>, where “assembly name” is the name of the assembly you want to use.

For those not from WUR:

You can install VEP with

conda install -c bioconda ensembl-vep

and install the cache with

vep_install --CACHEDIR <where/to/install/cache> --AUTO c -n --SPECIES <species>

When multiple assemblies are found you need to run it again with --ASSEMBLY <assembly name>, where “assembly name” is the name of the assembly you want to use.

In the Snakefile, in rule run_vep, replace /cm/shared/apps/SHARED/ensembl-vep/vep with vep

Installing R packages

First load R: module load R/3.6.2

Enter the R environment by writing R and clicking enter. Install the packages:

list.of.packages <- c("optparse", "data.table", "ggplot2")

new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)

If you get an error like this:

Warning in install.packages(new.packages) :
'lib = "/cm/shared/apps/R/3.6.2/lib64/R/library"' is not writable

Follow the instructions on how to install R packages locally here and try to install the packages again.


The most important files and directories are:

  • **_files.txt** dated file with an overview of the files used to run the pipeline (for documentation purposes)
  • results directory that contains
    • final_VCF directory with variant calling VCF files, as well as VCF stats
      • {prefix}.vep.vcf.gz - final VCF file
      • {prefix}.vep.vcf.gz.stats
    • PCA PCA results and plot
      • {prefix}.eigenvec and {prefix}.eigenval - file with PCA eigenvectors and eigenvalues, respectively
      • {prefix}.pdf - PCA plot

The VCF file has been filtered for QUAL > 20. Freebayes is ran with parameters --use-best-n-alleles 4 --min-base-quality 10 --min-alternate-fraction 0.2 --haplotype-length 0 --ploidy 2 --min-alternate-count 2. These parameters can be changed in the Snakefile.