SR (1) SR=0 (1) SV (1) Visual Studio Code (1) bioinformatics (11) bwa (2) bwa mem (1) ensembl (1) flye (1) freebayes (3) homologue (1) long reads (1) longshot (1) mapping (3) nanopore (1) parallel (1) pipeline (6) population (1) short reads (2) smoove (3) snakemake (8) snippets (1) split-reads (1) structural variance (2) structural variant calling (1) svtyper (1) variant calling (2) vep (1) webscraping (1)

 SR (1)

Smoove split read support error

 SR=0 (1)

How to fix smoove errors

 SV (1)

Smoove split read support error

 Visual Studio Code (1)

Use Snakemake snippets in Visual Studio Code

 bioinformatics (11)

Automatically query Ensembl rapid release homologue page
Use Snakemake snippets in Visual Studio Code
Run Freebayes in parallel
Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Smoove split read support error
Population mapping pipeline is now available
Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available
How to fix smoove errors
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available
How to run my pipelines
Introduction to snakemake

 bwa (2)

Smoove split read support error
Population mapping pipeline is now available

 bwa mem (1)

How to fix smoove errors

 ensembl (1)

Automatically query Ensembl rapid release homologue page

 flye (1)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available

 freebayes (3)

Run Freebayes in parallel
Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available

 homologue (1)

Automatically query Ensembl rapid release homologue page

 long reads (1)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available

 longshot (1)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available

 mapping (3)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Population mapping pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available

 nanopore (1)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available

 parallel (1)

Run Freebayes in parallel

 pipeline (6)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Population mapping pipeline is now available
Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available
How to run my pipelines
Introduction to snakemake

 population (1)

Population mapping pipeline is now available

 short reads (2)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available

 smoove (3)

Smoove split read support error
Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available
How to fix smoove errors

 snakemake (8)

Use Snakemake snippets in Visual Studio Code
Run Freebayes in parallel
Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Population mapping pipeline is now available
Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available
How to run my pipelines
Introduction to snakemake

 snippets (1)

Use Snakemake snippets in Visual Studio Code

 split-reads (1)

Smoove split read support error

 structural variance (2)

Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available
How to fix smoove errors

 structural variant calling (1)

Smoove split read support error

 svtyper (1)

How to fix smoove errors

 variant calling (2)

Nanopore assembly and variant calling pipeline is now available
Mapping and variant calling pipeline is now available

 vep (1)

Population structural variant calling pipeline is now available

 webscraping (1)

Automatically query Ensembl rapid release homologue page