Here I share a script to automatically query the ensembl rapid release page for homologues (from a couple of species) of a given list of genes (from one species).


python --ids <file_with_ids.txt> --url <rapid release homologue URL> --species1 <species1> --species2 <species2>
  • ids - text file with one ensembl ID per line. These IDs must correspond to gene IDs from your rapid release annotation.
  • url - rapid release homologue page URL, for example,
  • species1 and species2- name of the species for which you want to find homologues of your genes. This name must be written as in the Ensembl rapid release homologue page.
    • For example: Ruff or Green anole or Chicken
    • to add or remove species edit the script

Usage example:

python --ids query_genes.txt --url --species1 Chicken --species2 Turkey

The homologues found correspond to genes in the regular Ensembl release, not in the rapid release.

Set up

  1. Download script wget
  2. Download conda environment file wget
  3. Create conda environment: conda env create -f ensembl_scraping.yaml
  4. Create Github access token: See instructions here
  5. Prepare gene id file, one gene per line
  6. Get Ensembl rapid release homologue url:
    1. Go to
    2. Find your species and open their page
    3. Click Example gene
    4. On the left, click Homologues
    5. Copy the URL of this page until Compara_Homolog?g=, like this
    6. This will be your input to the url parameter.
  7. Get name of your two query species
    1. In the Ensembl Example gene page from step 6, look at the homologue table and see if your species are present. If so, copy the names. If not, check for another gene. These will be your input for species1 and species2


python --ids <file_with_ids.txt> --url <rapid release homologue URL> --species1 <species1> --species2 <species2>


The output is a file homologue_table.tsv with one column per species. The first column is the gene ID from your organism.
The script also creates a file processed_genes.txt, where the IDs of the genes that have been searched are saved. In case you need to restart the script, you can use the same file with genes to be searched. If the gene has already been processed, it will be skipped during the second run. This saves time and resources by avoiding running the same gene several times.